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Low-Fidelity Manikins

Low-fidelity manikins are simple, cost-effective simulation tools used in healthcare education and training to teach basic clinical skills, procedural techniques, and patient care tasks. These manikins are designed to provide learners with hands-on practice opportunities in a controlled and realistic environment, allowing them to develop foundational competencies and confidence before transitioning to more complex simulations or clinical practice settings.


Anatomy and Physiology

  • Basic Anatomy: Low-fidelity manikins typically feature basic anatomical structures, such as head, torso, limbs, and extremities, to simulate patient body parts and facilitate hands-on demonstrations and skill practice.
  • Limited Functionality: These manikins may have limited physiological functions, such as simple airway passages, chest rise and fall, and pulse palpation, to replicate essential patient responses and vital signs during clinical simulations and assessments.

Material and Construction

  • Durable Materials: Low-fidelity manikins are often made of durable materials, such as plastic, rubber, or silicone, to withstand repeated use, handling, and manipulation by learners without significant wear or damage.
  • Simplified Design: These manikins feature a simplified design and construction, with fewer moving parts, interchangeable components, and replaceable features, making them easy to maintain, repair, and customize for specific training objectives and scenarios.

Functionality and Performance

  • Basic Functions: Low-fidelity manikins may offer basic functions, such as airway management, wound care, bandaging, and intravenous (IV) access, to simulate common clinical procedures and interventions encountered in healthcare practice.
  • Manual Operation: Learners manually manipulate the manikins to perform specific tasks and procedures, such as airway maneuvers, chest compressions, wound irrigation, and medication administration, under the guidance of instructors or facilitators.


Basic Clinical Skills Training

  • Skill Acquisition: Low-fidelity manikins are used to teach fundamental clinical skills, such as vital signs assessment, patient positioning, aseptic technique, and medication administration, to novice learners in healthcare professions, including nursing, emergency medical services (EMS), and allied health.

Procedural Training

  • Hands-on Practice: These manikins provide learners with hands-on practice opportunities to master procedural techniques, such as wound care, urinary catheterization, nasogastric (NG) tube insertion, and venipuncture, in a safe and controlled environment before performing them on actual patients.

Simulation Scenarios

  • Scenario-Based Learning: Low-fidelity manikins are integrated into simulation scenarios and clinical case studies to create realistic patient encounters and clinical situations, allowing learners to apply their knowledge and skills in context and practice clinical decision-making and problem-solving.



  • Affordable Option: Low-fidelity manikins are a cost-effective option for healthcare education and training programs, offering basic simulation capabilities and hands-on practice opportunities at a fraction of the cost of high-fidelity simulators.


  • Widespread Availability: These manikins are widely available from commercial vendors, educational suppliers, and healthcare simulation companies, making them accessible to healthcare institutions, academic programs, and training centers with limited resources and budgets.


  • Flexible Use: Low-fidelity manikins are versatile tools that can be used in various settings, including classrooms, skills laboratories, simulation centers, and clinical practice environments, to teach a wide range of clinical skills and procedures to learners at different levels of training and experience.



  • Limited Realism: Low-fidelity manikins lack the sophisticated features and realistic simulations of high-fidelity simulators, such as lifelike anatomy, physiological responses, and interactive capabilities, which may limit their effectiveness for advanced clinical training and complex scenarios.

Skill Development

  • Basic Skills Focus: These manikins are primarily focused on teaching basic clinical skills and procedural techniques, such as airway management, wound care, and medication administration, rather than advanced clinical competencies or interdisciplinary teamwork.

Instructor Dependency

  • Supervised Practice: Learners using low-fidelity manikins typically require direct supervision, guidance, and feedback from instructors or facilitators to ensure proper technique, safety, and quality of care during simulation-based training activities.